Robbinsdale Area Schools
Middle School
Sandburg video

Learn more: Sandburg Middle School

Discover what makes Sandburg Middle School a great choice for your student. Any student in grades 6-8 can enroll in this exceptional middle school in Robbinsdale Area Schools. Watch the video

Students playing basketball

Become everything you want to be.

The possibilities are infinite.

Students learning in a classroom

Believe in yourself.

Your path to excellence awaits.

Students working in woodshop

Find your passion.

Your path to college, trades and career readiness.

Sandburg Middle School

Dedicated to providing a rigorous, supportive education that provides the skills needed to positively contribute to their community. 

Principal's Welcome

Jay Hancock

Full Service Community Schools

Full service community schools partner with local agencies  to provide health and social services to students, families and community.

Tools for families

Make an online payment, get help with your Parent Portal, and learn about community resources.

Summer Programming

In Rdale's camp-like summer programs, students unplug, have fun, and socialize with friends.

Technology levy renewal

Learn more about the levy renewal. Don't forget: election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Family Involvement

Stay connected

Students thrive when there are strong partnerships between family, school and the community.

School News

Resources and Support for Rdale Families

At Robbinsdale Area Schools, we are steadfast in our commitment to ensuring every student and family feels safe, valued, and supported. Amid times of uncertainty and challenges facing many in our community, we want to reaffirm a simple but vital truth: all are welcome here.

School Calendar

Happening Now